Friday, June 18, 2010

The Moonlight Bakers in partnership with Dean and DeLuca

We are very happy to announce that our apple strudel will be featured in the catalog of D&D!! 
Summer 2010

The first order for their Halloween catalog is going to be a mere 200 strudels (!!??##!!) by August 25th. (400 more coming until Christmas) This is no small task! As Martha put it : I wouldn't want to do 600 of ANYTHING let alone stretch that many strudels!!
So since we have never done anything of this magnitude we decided to document it (thanks Liz for the idea!) . We are trying to look at it as a learning experience with all its ups and downs, laughs and screams, with all the dishes to wash at shockingly late hours. Eventually nothing will save us from turning into real pros at the end!
At the moment we're looking for packaging: it doesn't have to be fancy, since it will not go on a store shelf. But it needs to be sturdy enough to "travel"and keep our strudel safe. And of course it needs to be the right size to accommodate our 10x2x3 strudel.
Looks like Marilyn found the perfect one! be continued


  1. Love the packaging, let me know if you need help, hugs

  2. don´t forget your moonlight-stamp (belyegzo) on the packaging.
    crongatulation to your D&D-apperiance.
